The course options available are set for either "free shoots", where the students receive safety training and guidance, or planned lessons, where each student with learn the 11 steps of archery success.
Trained lesson plans will culminate in a "Showdown" contest where the top three archers will be awarded private lessons. The six month syllabus option is available as a three month variant.
Syllabus Options
6 Month Plan, 24 sessions
Session 1: Safety protocols and awareness. First shot.
Session 2: Refresh on first lesson. 11 steps of archery success.
Session 3: Stylizing stance, nock, hook and grip.
Session 4 and 5: Reiteration.
Session 6: Posture, raise bow, draw and anchor.
Session 7 and 8: Reiteration.
Session 9: Hold to transfer, aim and release.
Session 10 and 11: Reiteration.
Session 12: Follow throw, reset.
Session 13 and 14: Reiteration.
Session 15-22: Prep for Showdown.
Session 23: Showdown. Awards and free shoot.
Course fee: 2,900.00 USD
6 Months "Free Shoot"
Course fee: 2,000.00 USD
This lesson plan is also available in a 3 month option, meeting twice a week.
3 Month Plan, 12 sessions
Session 1: Safety protocols and awareness. First shot.
Sessions 2-11: Focus on each of the 11 steps of archery success.
Sessions 12: Showdown. Awards and free shoot.
Course fee: 1,400.00 USD
3 Months "Free Shoot"
Course fee: 1,000.00 USD
Month (trial) setup, 4 sessions
Session 1: Safety protocols and awareness. First shot.
Session 2-4: Free shoot.
Course fee: 400.00 USD
Only open if time is available.